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By Joining Peoples Planet

  • You are reinforcing that you’re purpose driven

  • You are investing in the future of our planet
  • You are reinforcing that you’re purpose driven

Nature has a way of reminding us of our interconnectedness. Trees and humans share a special bond, where we rely on each other for survival. Let's cherish and protect this relationship for generations to come.


PEOPLE'S PLANET is an inspiring environmental initiative that aims to inhibit and reverse environmental degradation while promoting sustainable living. The project's first phase seeks to create 20% additional green cover in the southern states of India through the planting of ten lakhs tree saplings with extensive people's participation. This project is a substantial effort in community building, encouraging supportive relationships between urban and rural societies, government, and industry to shape the course of the world.


The program highlights include a holistic approach to environmental restoration, promoting strategies for sustainable use and management of the land, and being rooted in rural culture, environment, and socio-economic sustainability.

See what planting just 50 trees 
trees monthly would achieve across a year
Image by Steven Kamenar

960.00 ㎡

Land reforested

Editor in Chief

Woman in a Field

6 workdays

Created for local communities

Assistant Manager


65.40 tonnes

CO2 absorbed by your trees across their lifetime

Programming Editor

Planting a Tree

Trees are planted where its needed the most

Art Director

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