Transform your workplace by making the switch to 100% renewable energy and eliminate reliance on fossil fuels. Embrace a sustainable future and lead the way in environmental responsibility.
Consider switching your electricity provider at work, just as you may have done at home, to amplify your positive impact. Over 260 major global corporations have pledged to transition to 100% renewable energy, with countless smaller businesses following suit. This shift is being by the demands of consumers, investors, and, most importantly, employees. By making this change in your company, you can contribute to a healthier planet while reaping benefits for your business, yourself, and future generations.
Assist your workplace in transitioning to an ethical superannuation fund and investment options.
You may have already made the switch to an ethical bank or superannuation fund, and encouraging your employer to follow suit can amplify your impact even further.
Financial institutions wield significant influence over the funding of fossil fuel projects, such as coal. Consider this: without funding, a mine cannot proceed. Therefore, placing your company's finances in the hands of banks and funds that commit to avoiding these activities can make a substantial difference. You can advocate for your company to transition its default superannuation fund and investments to ethical institutions, benefiting the planet, the business, yourself, and future generations.